Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind

Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind

Bring your powerful subconscious mind on board with your conscious goals

A Love Bank Love Story

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Figuratively speaking, everyone has an inner “Love Bank”. When somebody is associated with good feelings, "love units" are deposited into those emotional accounts, and when he or she is associated with painful experiences, love units are withdrawn. Hurtful experiences with others trigger our nervous system into fight, flight or freeze. Those experiences of being triggered into fight or flight put strain on a relationship. The concept of the love bank helps us to understand how to make sure painful experiences are balanced out with experiences of safety and love.

The Five Love Languages

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Do you sometimes wonder if your partner really loves you because he or she doesn't seem to express it? The truth is that there is no right way to express love. There are five love languages we all use for connection, some with more skill and enjoyment, others with less. We can learn to speak our partner's primary language(s) of affection to strengthen our relationship.

2018-02-12 MEDITATION Non-Attachment

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Where in your life are you attached to people and their choices, to situations unfolding a certain way, to emotions or to food/substances? I invite you to join me on a meditation to release these attachments, reclaim your energy and to surrender to everything unfolding perfectly.

2018-01-29 Meditation - Staying Open to Criticism

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It is not always easy to respond to criticism without defensiveness and to stay open to hearing the complaint or the longing of the other person underneath their critical words. When somebody sets off our danger cues through criticism, we experience a physical and emotional constriction. In this meditation we will practice breathing through this constriction and managing our thoughts so that we can be more open to the needs our loved ones have to share.

2018-01-22 Meditation - Hello, Old Pal Anxiety

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The attempt to make anxiety go away is what traps us in it but we can learn to be with it and ride it out. Join me on this meditation to experience uncertainty as a sanctuary of possibilities. We can ask ourselves what we can choose in an anxiety provoking situation. What can we bring to the situation? How do we want to show up?

Clearing Your Relationship Baggage - PART 1 & 2

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We we often live one relationship after the next with the same patterns and issues. The reason for that is that we don’t learn how to complete relationships that end and therefore we carry the unresolved emotions forward into the future. Before we can complete our relationships we need to discover the patterns, the unresolved emotions and limiting beliefs we learned during previous relationships. Join me to learn how to discover your patterns.

2018-01-08 Meditation - Going with the Flow

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It is quite easy to see “going with a flow” as a call to inactivity, inaction or laziness, waiting for things to fall into our lap, or making the choice not to make a choice. But that is not what the spiritual principle is about.
Going with the flow can mean accepting a painful experience and letting go of the hurt but not of the lesson the other person has taught you. Truly going with the flow is about listening to your intuition and following a call to action.
Join me in this meditation to discover where in your life you can let go of control, listen to your intuition, and go with the flow more.

2017-12-10 Meditation - Dream Messages

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This is an evening meditation, or a meditation you can listen to during the day. Your subconscious mind and higher self are trying to communicate with you through your dreams. This meditation helps you to set the intention to remember your dreams and to listen to the messages of those dreams.

Do You Trust Me?

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To trust means to place our faith or confidence in something unknown. What and who we trust today is quite different from where we used to place our trust in the past. What key components does trustworthiness have and how do these components affect our relationships, especially our love relationships?

About this podcast

Do you want to discover the subconscious potential of your mind and uncover the love in all your relationships? Join Belief Change Coach and Relationship Coach Angelika Baum on a variety of life, health and relationship topics or for a brief morning meditation.

by Angelika Baum


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