Bring your powerful subconscious mind on board with your conscious goals
When we are in a relationship, we often give up certain parts of us which seem to be threatening to the relationship. David loves motorcycles but Lisa is afraid of him having an accident. Lisa o...
What constitutes happiness for you?
And where do your personal and professional relationships rank when it comes to happiness and success?
My co-facilitator and fellow coach Patric...
We all have a nagging voice inside which puts us down and makes us feel not good enough: our Inner Critic. We can distinguish between different types of Inner Critics and based on the type devel...
We all have an Inner Critic inside of us that nags, puts us down and makes us feel not good enough. A powerful antidote to the harsh and shaming Inner Critic voice is a loving parental voice ins...
Do you feel stuck?
Helen got the opportunity to do a creative video project. She was excited. Yet, instead of starting to work on it, she cleaned up the entire house first. Then she start...
While you can’t have relationships without disappointments, you cannot have a solid love relationship without trust. How does mistrust enter into our relationships, how do we decide whether to g...
This meditation was created by my friend Darryl Gurney. It has the purpose to experience yourself different from your physical form, different from what we are identified with. It gives you a ta...
What determines whether we can create a safe and happy long-term relationship with our partner? How do our subconscious beliefs and missing relationship skills affect our partnerships?
What is going on when our children seem judgmental of some of the things we do? As parents, we act as mirrors to them, just as they are reflections for us. It is uncomfortable to be at the recei...
Loving our body does not just mean we give it the food and exercise it needs. I means we think and speak to it in a kind and loving manner. We appreciate it for it’s beauty and it’s service to u...