Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind

Discover the Hidden Potential of Your Mind

Bring your powerful subconscious mind on board with your conscious goals

MEDITATION - Understanding Your Triggers

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We all have parts in us which respond and react when they perceive the possibility of us getting hurt. That could be an angry part, or a defensive reaction, or the impulse to run. We often try to get rid of these responses or to suppress them. However, it is not possible to get rid of energy. We can, however, change triggers by understanding these parts, that keep us safe. They are our protectors. We want to establish a relationship with them, so that we can begin to understand what more vulnerable younger parts they are protecting.
In this meditation today, I invite you to become curious about these reactive and protective impulses we all have.

2017-12-18 Meditation - Healing Waters

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Sometimes we experience struggles or heartache. Life wears us down and we allow our protective shields to become thin. In today’s meditation you will be able to wash off all the troubles and turmoil and strengthen your energetic shield again.

2018-05-28 Meditation - Parenting My Inner Children

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When we speak of the concept of the Inner Child, what we are referring to are different aspects of that part. We can also look at it as a group of children of different ages. There is the scared child, the shy child, the shameful child, the sad child, the angry child, the forgotten child and other aspects of our child, but also the playful child, the curious child, the proud child, the creative child and so on.
In this meditation you will connect with several of your inner children and lovingly re-parent them. It has been shown that we are literally rewiring our brain and undoing the effects of the past with this inner work.

2017-12-04 Meditation - Worry Tree

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The Worry Tree accepts it all; all you worries, stresses and problems. Join me together with your child in letting go of anything that you don't want to carry anymore.

MEDITATION Releasing Fears and Quieting Your Mind

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At this challenging time as the world is moving through the outbreaks of COVID-19, we need to keep our immune systems strong and healthy. Stress, anxiety and panic have a negative impact on our immune system. While fear is the enemy of immunity, meditation can be one of our best friends. Join me for this meditation to release fears, quiet your mind and boost your immune system.

Steps to a Happy Healthy Heart

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February is heart month and with today’s episode we want to bring some awareness to what to do to keep our heart happy and healthy. My colleague, Naturopathic Doctor Felicia Assenza, and I are talking about gratitude, exercise, food and connections.

The Placebo and the Nocebo Effect

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The placebo effect is defined as a measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behaviour that arises from the patient's expectations concerning an inactive substance—like a sugar pill, distilled water, or saline solution—or a “fake” treatment rather than from the substance or treatment itself. The nocebo effect is the opposite of the placebo effect. The nocebo effect occurs when the mind is engaged in negative beliefs and self-suggestions that damage the health of the person.
Both, the placebo as well as the nocebo effect illustrate how powerful our mind is and that YOU are the healer. Your body has innate healing abilities. Your healing depends to a great extend on whether you have supportive beliefs in place for your own recovery.

MEDITATION Becoming Your Favourite Tree

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Grounding helps us to be less tensed, stressed and anxious. By doing a grounding meditation or grounding outside in nature, we reconnect and realign ourselves with the earth and are able to be more centred and balanced. We are feeling more relaxed, stronger and calmer. Grounding increases our mental, emotional and physical well being. Inner peace, focus, vitality and health, are all benefits of allowing ourselves to be grounded in the earth.

2017-12-22 Meditation - Winter Solstice

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The winter solstice marks the shortest day of the year and the longest night. This is the season to go inwards, to become reflective, to allow ourselves to stop, and to design the new year to come. The winter solstice is an invitation to surrender into being, to accept the darkness—inside ourselves and others—and to plant our seeds of intention for the new year that lies ahead.
You might want to sit in a dark room, and light a candle for this meditation. You can focus on the flame of the candle while you follow my words.

A Child's Theory of the World

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In this episode I am interviewing Sheila Sims, the founder of "All of Me Counts". Sheila is a certified teacher with 18 years of experience. All of Me Counts provides resources and services for kids, parents, educators, and organizations to help kids access their best self.
Sheila works with an Inside Out Approach. This "inside-out" approach is based on the simple premise that what a child is experiencing on the outside is a reflection of what is going on inside.
Every child has their own unique "Theory of the World" that determines how they perceive and respond to every experience. It powerfully impacts their behavior, motivation, relationships, and learning potential. When we can uncover a child's theory of the world, we can more easily resolve behavior and learning challenges at the root for lasting results.

About this podcast

Do you want to discover the subconscious potential of your mind and uncover the love in all your relationships? Join Belief Change Coach and Relationship Coach Angelika Baum on a variety of life, health and relationship topics or for a brief morning meditation.

by Angelika Baum


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